Why we need massage


Many people come to us and ask us why is massage so important as a modern day elixir to good health and the reasons are many and varied. First of all it is probably a good idea to take a look at stress and what are the consequences of stress on the body and the mind. Well stress is becoming a growing problem across the world right now and it is thought conservatively that 80-90% of illness is actually stress related.

This has been shown through much more investment in clinical studies and also technological advances which have pointed certain aspects of medicine out to us that we were not aware of before You will find massage being one of the key methods to combat a vast range of ailments in many cultures around the world. Human touch is very powerful and it is the core concept of human compassion to one another albeit in a different way.

Massage obviously goes a lot deeper than this but the concept is still the same. One of the key reasons that we need massage therapy more than ever now is that it is completely non-invasive and holistic in it’s nature and therefore does not come with it any nasty side effects which are always unwelcome to those that are on the receiving end You will get different massage benefits depending on the type of massage that you partake in.

Swedish and Deep tissue massage for example can be very beneficial to sporting injuries for example whereas a good old fashioned nude tantric massage might work wonders for the libido as well making one very relaxed afterwards. On the whole though the common traits that exist across the board with massage are as follows:

– Improved general wellbeing

– Better Sleep

– Better Circulation

– Increased Flexibility

– Less cramping and muscular issues

Categorized as Massage